No Whining Over Wine Stains! 5 Unique Tips To Prevent Tooth Discoloration While Still Enjoying Wine This Holiday Season

With the holidays approaching, you may be planning to host or attend numerous parties and gatherings. From get-togethers with friends and family to the exciting office Christmas party, these events most likely offer delicious food and refreshing drinks. Unfortunately, one of the most common beverages served at many dinners and parties can wreak havoc on the color of your teeth. Wine may be a favorite drink over the holiday season, but its acidic nature can erode tooth enamel, resulting in severe discoloration and stains. Using this guide, you can reduce the risk of dental damage during the holiday season while still enjoying your favorite glass of wine.

Get Fiber

Fiber should be an important part of your daily diet, since it helps your digestive and cardiovascular system. However, eating fiber-rich foods between each glass of wine is also smart. Foods with a high content of fiber increase the production of saliva in your mouth, which will rinse the wine off or your teeth. This decreases your risk of enamel erosion and tooth staining.

Holiday parties usually do not offer bowls of bran or wheat cereal, but other options are available. While at your event, fill your plate with the following fiber-rich foods:

  • Spinach Salad
  • Vegetables such as Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, and Potatoes
  • Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, and Pistachios
  • Fruits such as Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Pears, and Apples

Say Cheese

Cheese is a great snack to pair with wine, but it can also reduce your risk of tooth staining. Not only does cheese increase your mouth's saliva production, but it also contains casein phosphate, which can strengthen your teeth.

Consume a few pieces of cheese while drinking wine, preventing discoloration on your teeth after a few glasses. If you are watching your weight this holiday season, consider low fat cheese, which offers the same benefits to your smile.

Brush Before

After your holiday event, your teeth may appear dark and discolored. In most cases, your first instinct will be to brush your teeth. Unfortunately, the acids in wine have already affected the surface of your teeth, so scrubbing away at these stains will only cause more damage to your enamel.

To prevent the staining and the possibility of more dental damage, brush your teeth BEFORE drinking wine. Since the acids and dyes in wine cling to plaque, removing the residue decreases the risk of erosion and staining.

Alternate Wines

Red wine is obviously darker, which makes the possibility of staining obvious. However, it is not the only type of wine that can erode enamel and discolor your teeth. White wine contains the same amount of acidic properties, which can quickly erode and stain enamel. If you enjoy the taste of both red and white wine, consider alternating them during your holiday gatherings.

For best results, start with the red wine and finish off with white, since the white contains the lighter colors.

Pull Oil

Oil pulling has become a popular holistic treatment for a variety of conditions due to its ability to remove toxins from the body. While popular thanks to celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow and Emma Stone, you may not be familiar with this unique task.

After your event, place a tablespoon of coconut oil into your mouth. Swish the oil around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes in an attempt to "pull" toxins from your mouth and body. After the time, spit the oil into a trash can and brush your teeth as normal.

Oil pulling pulls food particles, plaque, and bacteria from your mouth and body, but it also absorbs the wine's acidic, staining properties. Swishing the oil around your mouth after having a few glasses of wine will decrease your risk of tooth discoloration.

Wine may be important to you this holiday season, but it does not have to decrease your smile's appeal. Using these unique tips, you can reduce your risk of tooth staining while still enjoying a few glasses of wine. For more tips, contact a clinic like Hoffman & Karl Dental Associates, PLLC.
