
Common Pediatric Dental Treatments

It's crucial for parents to take their kids for regular dental checkups when they are still young. Pediatric dental care lays the foundation for good oral health and prevents future complications caused by conditions like gum disease. Here are some essential pediatric dental treatments. Teeth Cleanings Your child should go for a dental cleaning at least twice a year. This procedure gets rid of tartar and plaque. Many people think that brushing and flossing are enough to remove plaque. Read More 

When All Your Upper Or Lower Teeth Need Urgent Treatment

Although you're undoubtedly aware that your dental health has declined, it might be a surprise to be told that you need full arch rehabilitation. Your arches are simply the oral ridges (bone covered with gingival tissue) that hold your teeth. Full arch rehabilitation in dentistry is when an entire upper or lower dental arch features missing or deteriorated teeth to the point that the arch is, for all intents and purposes, nonfunctional. Read More 

Razzle Dazzle Smile: How To Prepare For Your Dental Implant Procedure

Undergoing a dental implant procedure is a fantastic way to restore your smile. With such advances in dentistry, now more than ever, patients are able to feel more secure and confident when it comes to their teeth. While this procedure has a fairly easy recovery process, you might still have a few questions. Here are just a few ways you can better prepare for your dental implant appointment.  Talking About the Procedure Read More 

Would You Want A Robot To Help With Your Dental Implant Surgery?

Although not yet the default option, the use of robotics in dentistry is becoming more common. Many dental clinics already offer robot-assisted procedures for their patients, and if you're considering replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant, your dentist may inform you that your surgical procedure will be assisted by a dental robot. How does this process differ from traditional dental implants?  The End Result Firstly, please rest assured that you will still be receiving a traditional dental implant—with the precise type of implant depending on your specific needs and case history. Read More 

The Benefits Of A Root Canal Over A Tooth Extraction

It is quite common for people to believe that it would just be easier or better to pull a tooth with significant damage rather than undergo a root canal treatment. However, the truth is that there are actually many benefits that come along with choosing to get a root canal rather than having a tooth extracted. You can learn more about some of these benefits below. Benefit #1: A Root Canal Will Prevent Your Teeth From Shifting Read More