5 FAQs Patient Have About Dental Cleanings

Dentists recommend patients come in for cleaning twice a year. Even if you have good oral health, thorough dental cleaning help keeps your teeth and gums healthy. This can help prevent cavities and other issues later.

Some people may have questions about cleanings, so here are a few answers to commonly asked questions to give patients the information they need.

Do Dental Cleanings Hurt?

Dental cleaning shouldn't cause any pain. However, if you have gum inflammation or oral disease this can cause increased sensitivity and some discomfort. If you have cavities, this can also make the cleaning uncomfortable. If you feel too much discomfort discuss this with your dentist. They can offer ways to help ease the discomfort.

What Does a Dental Cleaning Include?

During a cleaning, the dental hygienist uses a scaler to remove tartar and plaque buildup from your teeth and along the gum line. The scaler is a small, hooked tool. The hygienist may use an ultrasonic scaler if your teeth have excessive tartar buildup.

Are There Side Effects After a Cleaning?

Like the discomfort during cleaning depends on the patient's overall oral health, so does the changes in a patient experience some unpleasant side effects afterward. Some of the common side effects after a cleaning include:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Sore gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gaps in teeth
  • Gum swelling

Your dental hygienist can give you some good solutions to help you deal with any post-cleaning discomfort. They may suggest warm salt water rinses, OTC painkillers, toothpaste for sensitivity, and proper brushing and flossing. Just keep in mind with regular dental visits and good oral care, the chances of these side effects are reduced and may not happen at all.

Will Cleaning Whiten Teeth?

While a dental cleaning doesn't whiten teeth like having a professional whitening session, removing buildup can help the appearance of your teeth. A cleaning does remove stains and whiten and brighten your smile to some extent.

What Should You Avoid After a Cleaning?

If you've had your mouth numbed, don't eat until the numbness has worn off. If you try to eat before it's worn off, you may cause mouth damage. When you do eat, avoid acidic foods and don't eat tough foods and foods with small seeds or pieces.

Regular dental visits and following all care instructions keep your teeth and gums healthy. Then you can enjoy a beautiful smile to last a lifetime. Contact services like Family Dentistry Of Woodstock to learn more. 
