
3 Things To Know About Oral Cancer Screenings By Dentists

During a regular dental visit, your dentist is likely to perform something called an oral cancer screening. These screenings are becoming very common during dental examinations, and they are designed to help detect oral types of cancer at an early stage. If your dentist does not offer this, you can ask for one. Most dentists are trained to do this, and here are three things to know about oral cancer and the screenings used by dentists. Read More 

Painful Tooth While On Holiday Vacation? Dos And Don’ts While Awaiting Your Visit Your Dentist

Nothing can destroy a nice holiday vacation more than experiencing an injury while away, and that includes a tooth injury. Unfortunately, you cannot send your body an "away for the holidays" message when you leave for vacation to tell it to stay healthy while you are away! If you are on vacation and experiencing tooth pain due to a lost filling, a cracked tooth, or a bad cavity that has worsened, then you may need a dentist, such as those at Airport Road Dental Associates, to perform a root canal procedure. Read More 

5 Ways To Take Care Of Your Student Athlete’s Mouth Guard

If you are the parent of a child who is involved in sports, here are a few statistics you need to be aware of—more than 3 million teeth are knocked out in youth sports and children are 60 times more likely to have damaged teeth when they don't wear mouth guards. With these alarming statistics, there's no doubt you'll run out and get your child a mouth guard.  However, taking care of the mouth guard is equally important. Read More 

How To Prevent Cavities From Forming In Your Child’s Molars

If you are a parent who worries about the health of your child's teeth, then you should know that young children are prone to the formation of cavities. In fact, around 4 million preschoolers have some form of dental decay. Dental decay is prominent along the molars, where toothbrushes do not always reach. If you want to prevent cavities from forming in the molars in your child's mouth, then follow the tips below. Read More 

Denture Troubles - Understanding And Preventing Dental Stomatitis

More than 35 million people in the United States are considered totally edentulous, and this means they are missing all of their teeth. About 15% of toothless Americans choose to have dentures made each year to replace their missing teeth. Dentures can help to provide structure to the mouth, and they also provide working teeth. This means that the false teeth can assist with both aesthetics and nutrition. While dentures are considered highly beneficial, you may experience some issues with the teeth. Read More