
Dental Implant Healing Tips

If an accident or an oral infection like periodontal disease has caused you to lose one of your teeth, then a replacement is a good idea. A dental implant may work for you if you are in otherwise good health. However, you should know that dental implantation requires the completion of a major oral surgery. Once the surgery is completed, you will need to take care of the surgical site very carefully to ensure proper healing and to also keep the dental implant root from moving in any way. Read More 

Finally Ready To Fix That Chipped Tooth? Here’s A Look At Your Options

If you've been living with a chipped tooth for years, you may be embarrassed to finally visit the dentist, and you might even be a bit worried that the solution will be painful or expensive. But if you're ready to have a perfect smile again, you're just going to have to face your fears and head to the dentist. Knowing a bit about the various cosmetic dentistry treatment options he or she may recommend can make the experience a lot less intimidating. Read More 

Ouch! Reducing The Pain And Sensitivity That Comes With Lingual Braces

Teenagers who get braces generally get the traditional metal type that sit on the outside surfaces of the teeth. As an adult, though, you have more options when it comes to orthodontia. One way that adults often choose to have their teeth straightened is to get lingual braces. These are the same thing as the traditional "metal mouth" braces young teens wear, but they are attached to the back surfaces of your teeth. Read More 

3 Things You Need To Know About Erosive Lichen Planus

Erosive lichen planus is an inflammatory disease of autoimmune origin that is characterized by chronic, erosive lesions inside the mouth. This disease can't be cured, but with the help of your dentist, its effects can be managed. Here are three things you need to know about erosive lichen planus. What are the signs of erosive lichen planus? If you have erosive lichen planus, you'll notice erosive lesions, also known as ulcers, inside your mouth. Read More 

4 Things Parents Need To Know About Premature Eruption

If your baby was born with teeth, or if they developed teeth shortly after birth, you may be worried about their early development. Here are four things parents need to know about premature eruption. When should teeth erupt? If your child's teeth erupt according to schedule, their first deciduous (baby) teeth should develop between the ages of six and 10 months. The lower central incisors are the first teeth to develop, and the next are the upper central incisors. Read More