
5 Reasons Pregnant Women Need To Consult Their Dentist About Preventive Dentistry

There are two main approaches to dentistry. These are called curative care and preventive care. Curative care involves fixing issues like gum disease and cavities after a problem has already developed. Preventive care is something you probably already practice, even if you do not call it by name. It involves daily brushing and flossing, eating a healthy diet, and regular trips to the dentist in order to prevent cavities and gum disease from forming. Read More 

Knocked It Out Of The Park? Treating A Broken Tooth At The Ball Park

Loved by people of all ages and genders, baseball is a favorite sport across the nation. While you may enjoy coaching games as a career or playing the game as a weekend hobby, hitting, catching, and just being on the field can put you at risk for a broken or knocked-out tooth. Wearing a mouth guard can prevent an estimated 200,000 mouth injuries among football players, so using one during a baseball game can also be beneficial. Read More 

Tips To Prevent Dental Crown Damage

If you have a crown placed on one of your teeth, then you likely had a root canal procedure, a tooth break, or a large cavity in the tooth. A dental crown is necessary to cap, rebuild, and protect the damaged tooth so it does not need to be pulled from the jaw. A variety of materials can be used to create dental crowns, including steel, ceramic, and gold. Most dental crowns are all porcelain or ceramic varieties, and these devices will last an average of 15 years. Read More 

4 Signs You Have Impacted Wisdom Teeth

There is a reason that wisdom teeth are often times removed, even if they seem like, at the time, they are posing no risk or threat to oral health. Impacted wisdom teeth can often times be a painful and generally unpleasant to deal with, even if they are harmless other than causing you pain. It is best to be on the lookout for signs that you have impacted wisdom teeth so that you can get them removed and stop suffering. Read More 

Gum Inflammations And Dental Implants: New Methods For Protecting Your Oral Health

If you develop gum disease after getting dental implants placed, you may wonder if there's anything a dentist can do for you. Dental implants are designed to protect, strengthen and reinforce your oral health for many years. But if you develop a gum inflammation, such as peri-mucositis and peri-implantitis, your implants can fail. Dentists now use advanced laser technology and medications to treat infections that threaten to fail dental implants. Here's what you should know about gum inflammations and dental implants and how the latest trends in implant dentistry protect your oral health. Read More