Learning About Routine Dental Care

Tips To Help You Deal With A Toothache Until You Can See A Dentist

When you encounter a toothache or tooth pain associated with a cavity or tooth abscess, you will need to see your dentist as soon as possible to repair the tooth and remove the infection. Leaving infection in your tooth can lead to additional tooth pain and cause the infection to spread throughout your body. But until your dentist can see you to treat your oral pain, here are some steps you can take at home to alleviate the pain until you can seek the professional care to repair the damage. Read More 

Ways To Keep Your Child’s Teeth And Gums Healthy

There are many different daily habits that can ruin your child's oral health. Nevertheless, there are things that you can do as a parent to keep your little one's teeth and gums in optimal condition. Here are a few of them. Replace Regular Candy With Sugarless Varieties Candy and other sweet snacks can quickly cause the formation of cavities. Dental cavities occur when bacterial acids cause the dissolution of the minerals that make up the enamel. Read More 

How To Keep Your Gums Healthy By Eating The Right Foods

Gums keep your teeth in place and protect the bones in your mouth. Taking care of your gums should be a top priority. One of the best ways to take care of your gums is to eat the right foods that will help to nourish and care for them. Here are some of the best foods for keeping your gums healthy. Eat Onions Onions kill bacteria on your gums. The microbes in onions target and neutralize bacteria that are responsible for causing gum disease. Read More 

5 Tips For Recovering After A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

One of the things you may need to do at some point in life is have a wisdom tooth extracted. This is important for having the best dental health possible.  Removing this type of tooth will help keep your existing teeth in good shape and can prevent overcrowding. It's ideal to know specific tips that will allow you to fully recover after having this surgical procedure. Tip #1: Plan ahead Read More 

Have You Been Putting Off Your Treatment For Gum Disease? 4 Signs It’s Progressed To Periodontitis

If you were diagnosed with the beginning stages of gum disease, and you've been putting off treatment, you may end up with more significant damage. In fact, you could end up with periodontitis, which is the most severe form of gum disease. Periodontitis can lead to premature tooth loss, and other health-related issues, such as heart disease and stroke. If you're not sure whether, or not, your gum disease has progressed, take a look in your mouth. Read More